18 September, 2014

Grameenphone reactive sim offer update

Posted by shawon haque  |  at  1:30 PM

Coming Back is Always Joyful!

Coming Back is Always Joyful! 
come back & enjoy 500% benefit.

Grameenphone introduces a new promotional offer for de-active/ inactive subscribers. Under this offer, GP prepaid (Shohoj, Bondhu, Aapon, Amontron,Smile, Spondon, Business Solutions (1,2,3, Shofol) prepaid, Ekota prepaid (1,2), Nishchinto, VP prepaid, GPPP Pre-Paid, Djuice, Prepaid Internet SIM) subscribers who are not using their connections since 8th August 2014 or before will be able to enjoy below offer on 11 taka recharge. 
Customers will receive BDT 5 worth Cash Back after spending every BDT-1 as Local Voice usage.

On every BDT -1 taka voice call use customer will get
1.    2 Tk bonus on voice 
2.    2 MB Internet worth of 2 taka
3.    2 SMS worth of 1 taka

·         Offer will start from 15th September 2014 and will run until further  notice
·         Unregistered customers or who are not using their connections from inception to 31-Dec-2009 is not eligible for this offer.
·         Subscribers will be able to check the offer eligibility by sending “Check” to 9999.
·         During the campaign period, the eligible Prepaid subscribers will receive 2 Tk bonus on voice, 2MB Internet, 2 SMS as cash back after spending every BDT 1 as local voice usage.
·         11 taka recharge will be required to OPT-IN the offer. 11tk will be delivered in the main account of the subscriber. 
·         Local voice call includes: local PSTN, NWD, P2P mobile phone basic voice calls only. (Usage of Bonus /Purchased Minutes, Super FnF, Myzone and 66 paisa below tariff  will not be accumulated as Usage Bonus)
·         No limit for bonus or usage but in a Call Customer will be able to enjoy maximum 6 taka bonus in single voice call.
·         Customers will be able to use this Voice cash back amount in GP-GP calls from 9AM-5PM with validity of 2 Calendar Days including the disbursement date.  
·         FnF, Super FnF and 66 paisa or below call tariff is applicable on bonus amount.
·         Customers will be able to use free on-net SMS whole day with 2 days Validity including the disbursement date. 
·         Bonus Data will be applicable with 2 days validity (including the disbursement date)
·         For PCO products(GPPP and VP)  will able to use the bonus  in GP-GP calls for 24 hours with

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