17 September, 2014

Firefox smart phone in bangladesh

Posted by shawon haque  |  at  11:12 PM

Pre-book Symphony GoFox F15

Pre-book Symphony GoFox F15
Finally the wait is over! The newest mobile Operating System, the Firefox OS, will soon be coming to Bangladesh and unleashing a whole new internet experience for you! Grameenphone, in association withMozilla and Symphony, proudly bring the first Firefox OS Smartphone to Bangladesh, Symphony GoFox F15! This is only the second Asian country where this OS will be launched!
The phone comes equipped with the innovative Firefox OS, which is run on HTML 5 and has cool, innovative features like adaptive search (which means that, when you search for something on your handset, the apps related to your search appear on your phone instantly, and the amazing thing is, your phone display changes according to what you searched for!) And the best thing is, only on the Firefox OS Smartphone will you get fun ways to earn FREE INTERNET and many other benefits!
Pre-book your handset now and get cool gifts too! And stay tuned for more.
Handset Price: BDT 4650
  • Free internet and other benefits are applicable for Bondhu customers only
  • Pre-booking will be open from 17th to 22nd September 2014
  • Cool gift combos of Mozilla/Firefox branded merchandise will be given to the first 1,000 pre-bookers, based on pre-booking timeline. The gift breakdown is as follows:
    • First 100: Notebook, baseball cap, lanyard, pen, drawstring bag, sticker
    • 101-300: T-shirt, lanyard, pen, drawstring bag, sticker
    • 301-700: Pen, drawstring bag, sticker
    • 701-1,000: Drawstring bag, sticker
  • Pre-booked handsets have to be purchased by 26thSeptember 2014 from selected GPCs in order to get the gifts.
  • Pre-booking winners will get email communication to collect handsets from selected GPCs. While collecting handsets and gift packs, customers have to show Nation ID (Voter ID) card, GP Connection (SIM), an alternate SIM number, print out of the email sent to them for verification at selected GPCs. Handsets can be bought with cash only.
  • Pre-booking subscribers will also be communicated through SMS (to the SIM number submitted while pre-booking) with notification to collect the pre-booking Handset and gifts with a timeline
  • GPC Customer Managers will validate email print out email, mobile numbers

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